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Research Projects

In the following the list of projects offered for the next academic year is shown. For further information contact the director of the PhD program (link a mailto:

XL Cycle

Topic Number Scientific Director(s) Research Topic (EN/IT) Description
1 Vincenzo Lombardo / Luigi Provero / Gelsomina Spione Digital systems for interdisciplinary storytelling in historic research / Sistemi digitali per la narrazione interdiscplinare nella ricerca storica Digital storytelling systems are a promising area for historic research, through merging the narration structure with the interconnection of stories, implemented through semantic encoding and hypertextual networks. This research topic is open to projects that exploit the interdisciplinary semantic encoding and language models to develop systems that reveal hidden facts through the interconnection of specific stories and allow history area researchers to collaborate through shared platforms. Ideas of careful and engaging design together with a feasible implementation are welcome.
2 Alessandro Lo Giudice Disclosing the secrets of archaeological findings through nuclear techniques: innovative technologies and methodologies. / Svelare i segreti dei reperti archeologici attraverso le tecniche nucleari: tecnologie e metodologie innovative. Nuclear techniques allow to obtain information on various aspects of archaeological materials and objects in a non invasive way: raw material origin, internal structure, manufacturing methods, composition, degradation processes, etc. Innovative instrumentation and analysis are primarily developed at large international laboratories in Europe, Japan, and other countries. Proposals on this topic are aimed at the development and/or use of innovative technologies and methodologies in this field to answer questions posed by archaeologists and conservators.
3 Roberto Giustetto Sampling, Analyzing, Dating Artifacts and Materials for Cultural Heritage / Campionamento, analisi e datazione di reperti e materiali per il Cultural Heritage. Archaeometry is a multidisciplinary research field, devoted to the application of scientific methods to the analysis of historical and archaeological materials. In this context, this projects aims at characterizing Cultural Heritage artifacts with a multi-analytical protocol - possibly non-destructive. Only a multi-faceted approach, in fact, is the one capable of exhaustively identifying the constituent materials and degradation byproducts. Further comparisons with the historical and archeological sources may hopefully allow to consequently position the studied artifacts in the pertinent chronology and areas of provenance.
4 Marco Giardino / Maria Luisa Sturani Methodologies for the analysis and assessment of geodiversity aimed at the enhancement of cultural geoheritage / Metodologie di analisi e valutazione della geodiversità finalizzate alla valorizzazione del patrimonio geologico culturale This project aims first and foremost to analyze the complex interactions between man and nature to evaluate the dynamic control they exert on the cultural landscape. Furthermore, by exploring historical changes in geodiversity, we also aim to determine the consequences on the geological heritage and its future use. Through field studies and remote sensing, we intend to build a geomorphological and historical documentation of changes in the cultural landscape. The methodologies of the regional inventory of geosites of the Piedmont Region (Law 23 of 6 October 2023) will be implemented to enhance the geological heritage of public interest, and protect particular scientific, cultural and landscape values ​​of geodiversity.
5 Marco Giardino / Zbigniew Zwolinski Geodiversity assessment and mapping for the cultural enhancement of abiotic ecosystem services / Valutazione cartografica della geodiversità per la promozione dei servizi ecosistemici di natura abiotica
Due to the current acceleration of the climate crisis and the impacts of anthropic activities, there are rapid changes in the interactions between geomorphological elements, rocks, soil, water, air and living organisms. This in turn determines a consequent accelerated change in geodiversity, pressures on the environment and territories and ultimately considerable impacts within areas characterized by a geological heritage of great cultural value. This project aims first to analyze the complex abiotic/biotic interactions to evaluate the dynamic control they exert on the geomorphological landscape. Furthermore, by exploring changes in geodiversity, we also aim to determine the consequences on the geological heritage and its future use.
6 Rossana Damiano / Stefano de Martino
Linked Data for the representation and study of ancient prosopographies: models, methods, and applications. Linked data per la rappresentazione e lo studio di prosopografie antiche: modelli, metodi e applicazioni.
Linked Data for the representation and study of ancient prosopographies: models, methods, and applications, from discovery to exploration of temporal, geographic and social data. Linked data per la rappresentazione e lo studio di prosopografie antiche: modelli, metodi e applicazioni, dalla ricerca nei dati all'esplorazione di dati temporali, geografici e sociali.
7 Dominique Scalarone
Materials for conservation and conservation issues: unsolved cases and new challenges. Materiali per la conservazione e problematiche di conservazione: casi irrisolti e nuove sfide
This research topic is open to project proposals aimed at improving the understanding of degradation processes and failure of original and restoration materials, with particular reference to organic materials. The research topic also includes the development of new materials and solutions for restoration, and studies aimed at deepening knowledge of the properties and performance of materials and restoration products already in use. The multidisciplinary connotation of the project and/or the intersection with sustainability issues and climate change are considered an added value.
8 Angelo Agostino / Eliano Diana

Study and characterization of inorganic materials employed in the Far East pottery production and data modeling for the integration in archaeometric database / Studio e caratterizzazione dei materiali inorganici impiegati nella produzione ceramica dell’Estremo Oriente, modelli di dati per l’integrazione nei data base archeometrici.

The study is part of an understanding of the production processes used in the Far East (in particular linked to the production of ancient China) through the study of inorganic compounds through laboratory techniques and large Scales facilities.
9 Monica Gulmini
Archaeometry for the study of small finds: building and communicating new knowledge. Archeometria per lo studio di piccoli oggetti: construire e comunicare nuova conoscenza.
Small archaeological finds are part of the so-called movable heritage. Because they are portable, they are easily sold, moved or discarded, and can therefore record the material (and immaterial) exchanges between communities and people, following the routes of migration or trade. Small objects are usually interpreted by archaeologists using a kind of typo-chronological approach. However, the raw materials used in their manufacture can leave chemical traces of origins and technologies, leading to new insights. A truly interdisciplinary approach involving materials science and archaeology would therefore allow a deeper interpretation of the finds, leading to new knowledge. Research projects on small finds from museums and archaeological research centres are welcome, with glass being the preferred, but not the only, material to be considered.
10 Alessio Palmisano Computational approaches applied to Landscape Archaeology / Approcci computazionali applicati alla Landscape Archaeology
This research topic encompasses a rigorous interdisciplinary study, drawing upon methodologies from archaeology, geography, spatial statistics, and environmental studies. Doctoral candidates engaged in this endeavor will employ landscape-based and computational approaches to conduct original investigations. By intertwining these diverse disciplines, researchers aim to shed new light on the complexities of past landscapes and human communities contributing to a more holistic understanding of human-environment interactions across time and space. Moreover, their findings will illuminate the relevance of historical contexts to contemporary challenges such as land use, sustainability, resilience, and social organisation.
11 Alessandra Durio / Vito Messina Computational approaches to the study of ancient materiality / Approcci computazionali per lo studio dell'evidenza materiale antica.
Computational approaches to the study of ancient materiality have been defined many decades ago to enhance the examination of archaeological records thanks to statistic, distributive, quantitative and qualitative analyses, as computer-aided procedures incredibly facilitated human workflow. The computational potential increased exponentially down to present day, to the extent that also in archaeology machine learning is applied to perform predictive analytics or create interpretive models that often bypass human interpretation rather than improve it. PhD candidates are encouraged to submit projects that question theoretically, on experimental bases, the effectiveness of computational approaches in the understanding of long-term dynamics as deployed by material evidence.
12 Cristina Gena / Vito Messina Public Archaeology, societal challenges, management of Cultural Heritage / Archeologia pubblica, cambiamenti sociali, management del Cultural Heritage
Public and community engagement have become pivotal for archaeological science due to modern societal challenges, as for instance identitarian claims, heritage disputes, political use of the past, protection of endangered contexts. Proposals for this research topic will define innovative strategies of engagement and awarness raising by the use of all possible technologies in different environments, including museums, to answer the need of present-day society.
13 Stefano de Martino / Maurizio Viano Extending research on the cuneiform tablets: computational text analysis, 3D capture and visualization. / Estendere la ricerca sulla tavolette cuneiforni: analisi computazionale del testo, cattura 3D e visualizzazione
This research topic deals with two lines of research. One is dedicated to computational text analysis, namely the use of digital tools such as programming languages (e.g. Python and R) and AI for historical and philological analysis of cuneiform sources. The other is devoted to 3D documentation and analysis for extracting data from cuneiform tablets, seals and sealings.
Sergio Favero Longo
Biological investigations for the diagnostics and control of cultural heritage deterioration / Indagini biologiche per la diagnostica e il contenimento del biodeterioramento dei beni culturali.
Biodeterioration is increasingly considered a major threat to the conservation of the Cultural Heritage, encompassing inorganic and organic materials, outdoor and indoor environments. Research proposals are invited dealing with the interactions between biodeteriogens and heritage substrates, focusing on biodiversity, physico-chemical processes, and effects on material durability. Multidisciplinary investigation approaches are recommended. Projects also considering innovative preventive and interventive strategies to contrast biodeterioration, and the assessment of their efficacy, are welcome.
15 Alessandro Re
Use of innovative X-ray imaging setup for the study and characterisation of objects and materials from museums and other institutions / Utilizzo di apparati innovativi per imaging con raggi-X per lo studio e la caratterizzazione di oggetti e materiali provenienti da musei ed altre istituzioni
X-ray imaging is widely used for the characterisation of materials of historical-artistic-archaeological interest, as it allows to obtain information on internal or hidden parts of an object in a non invasive way. Usually, instrumentations of this type only exploit the attenuation of an X-ray beam and cannot be moved from the laboratory in which they are housed. The development of instrumentation that is transportable in museums extends the possibilities of analysis to artefacts that otherwise could not be moved to laboratories for analysis. In parallel, to optimise the results that can be obtained, in addition to the X-ray transmission, it is also possible to exploit the phase contrast, which increases the amount of information that can be obtained and extends the potential of the technique. Optimising both these aspects could be the subject of the PhD student's work, who could focus on objects and materials from various museum collections and other institutions, including restoration centres.
16 Liliana Ardissono / Noemi Mauro
Enhancing the exploration of Cultural Heritage information through LLMs / Migliorare l'esplorazione del Patrimonio Culturale attraverso gli LLM
The recent expansion of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized the interaction between users and websites supporting information exploration. However, the LLMs are typically exploited as external guides rather than being integrated into the websites to provide a unified view of the information sources. Moreover, they are not personalized to the interests of the individual user. This is particularly problematic in Cultural Heritage exploration, where it is well-known that short-term and long-term users' interests can impact users' experience, exploration, and learning behavior. The Ph.D. candidate is expected to develop a novel approach to personalize the conversational behavior of the LLM depending on the characteristics of the users possibly using common patterns of exploration of Cultural Heritage information of previous users on the website.
17 Vincenzo Lombardo / Vito Messina New strategies for digital curation in archaeology / Nuove strategie per le risorse digitali in archeologia Even though the importance of collection, management and maintenance of digital assets has become acquired in nowadays scientific environments, processes of record-keeping and data processing in archaeology are still often based on more traditional approaches, which underestimate the complexity of digital curation, mostly compelled by circumstances deriving from archaeological fieldwork, primarily lack of time. This research topic is open to projects aimed at developing new strategies and protocols of digital curation, data-processing and -sharing specifically thought for archaeological science.
18 Angelo Agostino Development and application of nanostructured materials for conservation within cultural heritage/ Sviluppo e applicazione di materiali nanostrutturati per la conservazione nell'ambito dei beni culturali
Chemical development of functionalized materials can address the constant challenge of conserving works of art. For example, the study of nanostructured inorganic materials with biocidal properties represents a possible answer to all those problems united by the degradation of materials. For example, the study of nanostructured inorganic materials with biocidal properties represents a possible answer to all those problems related to the degradation of materials. Stone materials or supports associated to the library and archival context, can undoubtedly have advantage in the development of these nanostructured systems, even in a perspective of preventive conservation.
19 Marco Serino / Monica Gulmini
Technology and material studies in the figured pottery production: between Experimental Archaeology and Archaeometry / Studio di tecnologia e materiali nella produzione della ceramica figurata: tra archeologia sperimentale e archeometria.
Experimental archaeology has gained relevance as a methodological approach to verify the hypothesis on how ancient artisans obtained their products. This topic is open to projects focused on joint endeavours between classical archaeology and material science to reconstruct with details the ancient technologies of red- and black- figured pottery production. Combining insights on ancient artisanal gestures and crafting procedures (also with the support of ethnoarchaeology) with in-depth analyses of some crucial archaeometric aspects aim to open up new perspectives in the study of such important ancient artefacts.
20 Beatrice Demarchi “Reconstructing the mutual ecologies of birds and people in prehistory through biomolecular archaeology/ Recostruzione di "mutual ecologies" tra avifauna e comunità umane nella preistoria tramite approcci di archeologia biomolecolare The integration of high-resolution archaeological and ecological datasets is fundamental for exploring the strategies people used as a response to climate change in the past, for example the domestication of animals and plants. The PhD candidate will work as part of the ERC-funded Consolidator Grant “AviArch: avifauna in archaeoecological networks” (ERC-2023-COG HORIZON, 101125532) which aims to use human-avian interfaces as a proxy for tracking changes in the relationships between people and other living and non-living entities. They will: 1) collaborate with international museums in order to build reference collections of bird bones and eggs; 2) develop zooarchaeological and biomolecular methods (palaeoproteomics) for the identification of avifauna; 3) apply these optimised methods in order to reconstruct the presence, distribution and human significance of bird communities in prehistoric contexts, focussing on sites in South West Asia and/or the Eastern Mediterranean; 4) interpret the data within appropriate theoretical frameworks in archaeology and ecology, e.g. “niche construction”, “multi-species” or “mutual ecologies” approaches; 5) cooperate with the rest of the international team on the successful delivery of the overall project.


Topic Number Scientific Director(s) Research Topic (EN/IT)
1 Vincenzo Lombardo Multimedia Systems and knowledge management for tangible and intangible cultural heritage, archaeological data, museum exhibitions, digital history / Sistemi multimediali e gestione della conoscenza per il patrimonio culturale tangibile e intangibile, i dati archeologici, le esposizioni museali, la storiografia digitale.
2 Alessandro Lo Giudice Development and application of techniques and instrumentations based on X-ray, proton or neutron beams for the analysis of materials in Cultural Heritage / Sviluppo e utilizzo di tecniche e strumentazioni che fanno uso di fasci di raggi X, protoni o neutroni per l’analisi di materiali di interesse nei Beni Culturali.
3 Maurizio Aceto From natural sources to the future: modern application of ancient dyes / Dalle risorse naturali al futuro: applicazioni moderne sui coloranti antichi.
4 Roberto Giustetto Sampling, Analyzing, Dating Artifacts and Materials for Cultural Heritage / Campionamento, analisi e datazione di reperti e materiali per il Cultural Heritage.
5 Marco Giardino Geodiversity, History and Cultural Heritage: from assessment to intervention / Geodiversità, Storia e Cultural heritage: dalla valutazione all’intervento.
6 Marco Giardino - Zbigniew Zwolinski
Geodiversity assessment and mapping for the cultural enhancement of abiotic ecosystem services / Valutazione cartografica della geodiversità per la promozione dei servizi ecosistemici di natura abiotica
7 Rossana Damiano
Linked Data for the representation and study of ancient prosopographies: models, methods, and applications. Linked data per la rappresentazione e lo studio di prosopografie antiche: modelli, metodi e applicazioni.
8 Vincenzo Lombardo e Rossana Damiano

Semantic representation and quantitative analyses for tagging and documentation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, archaeological data, museum exhibitions, and digital historiography / Conoscenza semantica e analisi quantitativa per il tagging e la documentazione del patrimonio culturale tangibile e intangibile, i dati archeologici, le esposizioni museali, la storiografia digitale.

9 Dominique Scalarone
Condition assessment, methodologies of conservation and materials for conservation / Valutazione dello stato di conservazione, metodologie di intervento e materiali per la conservazione.
10 Angelo Agostino Study and characterization of inorganic materials employed in the Far East pottery production and data modeling for the integration in archaeometric database / Studio e caratterizzazione dei materiali inorganici impiegati nella produzione ceramica dell’Estremo Oriente, modelli di dati per l’integrazione nei data base archeometrici.
11 Monica Gulmini Archaeometric approaches for the investigation of glass and pottery supported by semantic databases for the recording of the processes. / Indagini archeometriche su vetro e ceramica supportate da database semantici per la documentazione dei processi.
12 Alessio Palmisano Computational approaches applied to Landscape Archaeology / Approcci computazionali applicati alla Landscape Archaeology
13 Vito Messina Computational approaches to the study of ancient materiality / Approcci computazionali per lo studio della cultura materiale antica.
Vito Messina
Public Archaeology, societal challenges, management of Cultural Heritage / Archeologia pubblica, cambiamenti sociali, management del Cultural Heritage
15 Stefano de Martino e Maurizio Viano
Extending research on the cuneiform tablets. computational text analysis, 3D capture and visualization.
16 Enrica Pessione e Sergio Favero Longo
Biological Investigations for the diagnostics and control of cultural heritage deterioration / Indagini biologiche per la diagnostica e il contenimento del biodeterioramento dei beni culturali.
17 Alessandro Re
Study and characterization of materials employed in the Ancient Egypt artifact production/ Studio e caratterizzazione di materiali impiegati nella produzione di manufatti dell'Antico Egitto.

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Last update: 30/05/2024 11:19
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