Vittorio Lauro
- 505304
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- Matriculation number: 1041403
Phd thesis
My PhD research focuses on the development of advanced methodologies for photogrammetric acquisition and digital data management in the context of cultural heritage preservation. The core of my work is the creation of the PODS (Protocol of Ontological Digital Survey), a modular system designed to accurately document both the data and processes involved in generating 3D models from photogrammetry. The PODS aim ensures interoperability with other photogrammetric and laser scanning protocols, enabling the preservation, transmission, and retrieval of data, including those from past projects. By aligning metadata structures with ontological standards like CIDOC-CRM, PODS promotes standardized data sharing and improves cross-disciplinary analysis.
Research activities
1) V. Lauro, V. Lombardo, “Interdisciplinary approach to the dynamics of data collection, cataloging and homologation of photogrammetric models, in AIAr2022 Congresso Tematico_Padova, La sostenibiliá nei Beni Culturali, 29 June-1 July, 2022
Conference Paper
2) V. Lauro, V. Lombardo “CAVE, Archeology and virtual reality: visiting unreachable places” in AIAr2022 Congresso Tematico_Padova, La sostenibiliá nei Beni Culturali, 29 June-1 July, 2022
3) V. Lauro, V. Lombardo “Prototype of virtual reality and CAVE installation for transdisciplinary archeology” in 5th International Conference on Interaction Design and Digital Creation / Computing, IIAI AAI 2022, July 2-7, 2022, Kanazawa, Japan
Honorable Mention; 10.1109/IIAIAAI55812.2022.00116
4) Lauro, V.; Lombardo, V. The Cataloging and Conservation of Digital Survey in Archaeology: A Photogrammetry Protocol in the Context of Digital Data Curation. Heritage 2023, 6, 3113-3136.
5) R.A.O. Project Recovery: Methods and Approaches for the Recovery of a Photographic Archive for the Creation of a Photogrammetric Survey of a Site Unreachable over Time doi: 10.3390/heritage6060250
6) Vittorio Murtas, Vittorio Lauro, and Vincenzo Lombardo. 2023. Virtual Archaeology in a Multi-platform and Multi-lingual Setting. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '23 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 422–426.
7) Romeo M., Galigani M., Italia B., Fossataro C., Longo P., Bruno V., Clocchiatti A., Murtas V., Lauro V., Ricciardi E., Abbate-Daga G., Garbarini F. I am what I see in the mirror: bodily-self recognition is modulated by the perceived body image. XXXI National Conference – SIPF, 9-11 November 2023, Siena (Italy)
8) Lauro Vittorio, Lombardo Vincenzo, A Digital Data Curation-Based Photogrammetric Acquisition Methodology for Cultural Heritage, expanded with CIDOC CRM Compatibility: protocol BeA-PG, GCH 2023 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 2023,
9) Lombardo, V., Lauro, V., Murtas, V., Goud, S. (2023). Merging Archaeological Site Recreation and Museum Exhibition. In: Holloway-Attaway, L., Murray, J.T. (eds) Interactive Storytelling. ICIDS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14384. Springer, Cham.
Conference Paper
10) How many degrees of Emotional Separation are there between Real and Virtual Nature? A pilot study, Conference: ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINEAt: Paris, France, Eleonora Diletta, Alice Chirico, Valentina Mancuso, Marta Pizzolante, Vittorio Murtas, Vittorio Lauro, Sabrina Bartolotta, Andrea Gaggioli
Conference paper
11) Lombardo, V., Lauro, V., Murtas, V., Goud, S. (2023). Merging Archaeological Site Recreation and Museum Exhibition. In: Holloway-Attaway, L., Murray, J.T. (eds) Interactive Storytelling. ICIDS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14384. Springer, Cham.
12) Lombardo, V., Lauro, V., Murtas, V. and Ryan, J., 2024. Chronology and Geospace Design in Virtual Reality for Archaeological Data Exhibition. International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management, 8(1). Available at:
13 Goud, S., Lombardo V.,Lauro V., 2024. Rethinking Digital Community Engagement for value-inclusive cultural heritage media using a digital first approach – Case of selected post-Jomon era funerary mounds, Japan, 2023-05-26 | Conference poster, DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.7973662
14) Lauro, Vittorio. "Harmonizing Photogrammetric Approaches for Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Methodological Framework and Comparative Analysis." Archeologia e Calcolatori 35, no. 2 (2024): 85–96.